Category: Events

The Whirl: Five Points Feast

After a long year of being cooped up, a group of close friends threw a dinner party for Kyla Brazel’s 50th birthday.

The Whirl: Ana Guzman Exhibit Opening

On Friday May 7, Gallery C hosted a party to celebrate the debut North Carolina exhibition of work by Cuban painter Ana Guzman.

The Whirl: Art in Bloom Contest Winners

Leading up to Art in Bloom, WALTER and Design Lines Signature challenged readers to “bloom where you’re planted” and create arrangements inspired by art in their own homes. Here are four beautiful creations.

The Whirl: Behind the Scenes at Art in Bloom

On June 16, WALTER released Behind the Scenes at Art in Bloom, an exclusive video showcasing the makers behind the North Carolina Museum of Art’s popular Art in Bloom event.

The Whirl: Art in the Garden

On the evening of Saturday, June 5, Conduit for Change artist and leadership coach Mary-Michele Ndiffer of North Hills StyleFinder Boutique hosted at Art in the Garden dinner party at The Well Fed Community Garden.

The Whirl: Days of Service

Rotary Club of Raleigh and Rotary Club of Southeast Raleigh participated in a district-wide day of service on April 17, when nearly 200 Rotarians served organizations including Habitat for Humanity ReStores, Girls and Boys Clubs, Healing Transitions, and Oak City Cares.

The Whirl: Evening on the Piazza

On May 7, Il Palio at the Siena Hotel hosted bartender Carrie Brogren from Chapel Hill-Carrboro Foodies for An Evening on the PIazza.

The Whirl: Drinks and Design

On May 23, 125 guests gathered to support The Green Chair Project. Guests enjoyed cocktails from Junction West, snacks from Nosh Raleigh and a chance to bid on 14 designer chairs reimagined to support the programs of The Green Chair Project.
