N.C. State’s College of Design hosts Germany’s Bauhaus School photography
by Catherine Currin
images courtesy NCSU College of Design

Former German design school Bauhaus was operational for less than 20 years, but its distinctive teachings are credited with influencing the design of everything from architecture to the iPhone. Bauhaus was shut down during Nazi-occupied Germany, but many students relocated to the United States for their studies, and the design school at N.C. State was one of the first to take on the principles of Bauhaus.

2019 marks 100 years since the school’s opening, and bauhaus.photo traveling exhibition is making a stop at N.C. State’s College of Design in Raleigh. The free indoor art exhibition in Brooks Hall on Pullen Road is the temporary home to 100 works, a small glimpse into the collection of 700,000 photographs. A lecture on the exhibition will be led by Margret Kentgens-Craig, PhD, Adjunct Associate Professor of Architecture on January 23 at 6 p.m. in Burns Auditorium.