Author Archives: Editorial Intern

Duane Raver: Illustrating Wildlife

by Liza Roberts photographs by Nick Pironio Down a pebbly road, in a wood-framed studio in a rural corner of Garner, wildlife artist Duane Raver is perfecting a swan. Its wings stretch across his canvas, feathers precise in number, formation, and color….

Chef Ryan Conklin’s haute hospital cuisine

by  Katherine Connor photographs by  Lissa Gotwals In the coming season of celebration and indulgence, a visit to the hospital is not on most folks’ to-do list. But for some savvy Raleighites, the hospital is exactly where they’re headed, and…

This Modern Home in Cameron Village is a Blank Canvas for Art

by Liza Roberts | photography by Catherine Nguyen When Frank Thompson bought two wide lots in Cameron Village in 1997, he knew what he wanted to build: A contemporary home with room for entertaining and art, and windows tall and wide enough…

Room to think

A Renovated Boylan Heights Home Nurtures Young Entrepreneurs by Jessie Ammons photographs by Justin Cook It can pay off to live at work. Especially when work is easy to live in and work in, with corkboard walls, a kitchen with chalkboard columns…

Jeanne Jolly: Study in contrasts

by Tracy Davis photographs by Scott Sharpe Jeanne Jolly is a jack of all trades, and also a study in contrasts. A classically trained vocalist, Jolly’s new record, A Place to Run, takes her deep into country music territory. And while the…

Talkin’ Turkey

by Kaitlyn Goalen photographs by Jillian Clark Each year around October, I begin to think about what I’d like to make for Thanksgiving. There are some stalwarts that make it into the menu every year (my grandmother’s chile-cheese dip, a sweet…

A second home

by Dean McCord photographs by Nick Pironio We go to restaurants for a lot of reasons. We want to be fed something decent, something tasty and nourishing. Sometimes we want to try out a hot new joint so we can tell…

Punch for the in-laws

by Kevin Barrett illustrations by Amy Richards Let’s cut to the chase, mostly because I couldn’t think of an opening to this article. It’s Thanksgiving. I can’t help you with the food. That’s for the men and women who don’t mind burning…

Meredith Kittrell: Building a better world

by Todd Cohen photographs by Jillian Clark Raleigh artist Meredith Kittrell likes to roll up her sleeves, create something new, and make a difference. So in 2002, when she learned about the annual Holiday Home Tour of Habitat for Humanity…

Coming home

by Hampton Williams Hofer Barely eighteen and way over-packed, I left Raleigh in late August of 2005, bound for Charlottesville. I knew exactly four people in the state of Virginia, which is the way it should be. According to the…

Outdoors: A peaceful paddle on Beaverdam Lake

by Suzanne M. Wood As my paddle parted the clouds reflected on the water’s surface, I marveled – not for the first time that sunny fall afternoon – at how still it was. My husband and I were paddling our tandem…

Thanksgiving still life

Contrary to popular lore, turkey was not the hallmark of the harvest meal shared by the Pilgrims and Wampanoag at Plymouth Colony in 1621. Rather, wildfowl, deer, eel, and shellfish were the likely proteins. Native crops including pumpkins, turnips, garlic,…
