Category: Community

Colin Clarke’s world-class soccer

by Lewis Beale photographs by Geoff Wood Colin Clarke is used to thinking big. This is no huge surprise, since the coach of the Carolina RailHawks has played in England’s first division, and for Northern Ireland in the World Cup….

No airs, only fish: Milburnie Fishing Club turns 100

  by Charles Upchurch  photographs by Nick Pironio If you conjured up an image of Raleigh’s oldest social club – where for 100 years the seasons have carried with them a ritual flow of barbecues, oyster roasts, family celebrations, debutante…

Redesigning Raleigh: Limitless possibilities

by J. Michael Welton photographs by Travis Dove In the 1950s, Raleigh’s visionary design community redefined the way we saw our city architecturally. Today, local designers are at it again, turning their attention not just to buildings, but to consumer…

Coming full circle With Clay Aiken

When Raleigh-born American Idol star Clay Aiken, 34, takes the stage this month to star in North Carolina Theatre’s The Drowsy Chaperone, he will be coming home in more ways than one. “My first audition ever was at North Carolina…

Sole Brothers: Santana Creative

by Mary E. Miller photographs by Geoff Wood It takes a considerable stride to go from a career implem- enting World Bank-funded health and education projects in Peru to launching an artisanal leather repair business in Raleigh. But in Robert…

MA Allen

Interior designer MA Allen will tell you that she lives for the experience and inspiration of travel. Yet she has come home to roost a mere 50 miles from where she grew up, proving that inspiration can also be found…

Concert for a Cause: Band Together

by Samantha Thompson Hatem It all started in 2001 when Raleigh entrepreneur Danny Rosin and four enterprising young friends – Phil Gruber, Shellie Gruber, Tom Lyon, and Skip Mangum – were feeling helpless in the aftermath of 9/11 and wanted…

Conquering fear, vertically

by Charman Driver On the day I decided to try indoor rock climbing, I didn’t bother to mention to Joel Graybeal, managing partner of the Triangle Rock Club, that I have a fear (let’s call it minor) of heights. As…

History and tradition at Raleigh Golf Association

by CHARLES UPCHURCH  photographs by LISSA GOTWALS I have one golf story. I’m in New Hampshire with my uncle who has invited me to play the local club. It’s noon and the first tee is right beside a patio full…

Paris Alexander shows us how it’s done

photographs by Mark Petko When Raleigh’s Artspace studio challenged 50 artists to create works from a box of mystery materials in a limited amount of time, Paris Alexander raised his hand. The sculptor – a maker of monumental public art collected…

FIELD OF DREAMS: Envisioning Raleigh’s Central Park

by Amber Nimocks photographs by Missy McLamb The grass is thick beneath your palms and bare feet as you recline atop Dix Hill, watching the liquid glow of the sunset reflected in the glass walls of downtown Raleigh. You’re tired in the…
