Jessica Holmes

Jessica Holmes, NCAE staff attorney and Wake County commissioner helps volunteers from American Heritage Girls of Wake Forest pack food donations during a recent visit to the Inter-Faith Food Shuttle in Raleigh. Holmes will participate in the annual BackPack Buddies and Mix 101.5 food drive.

Jessica Holmes, NCAE staff attorney and Wake County commissioner helps volunteers from American Heritage Girls of Wake Forest pack food donations during a recent visit to the Inter-Faith Food Shuttle in Raleigh. Holmes will participate in the annual BackPack Buddies and Mix 101.5 food drive.


photograph by Travis Long

“I’ve benefited from the generosity of people who have donated food to organizations like the Inter-Faith Food Shuttle’s BackPack Buddies. For me, it’s a matter of paying it forward in a very genuine way.” – Jessica Holmes, NCAE staff attorney and Wake County commissioner

Jessica Holmes’ motivation to spend her Saturday morning on a sweltering sidewalk outside of a BJ’s wholesale store, asking people to donate food to the BackPack Buddies Annual Drive, is personal. “As someone who grew up on free and reduced lunch and someone who grew up in poverty, ensuring that kids have access to food, particularly in the summer when they’re not receiving breakfast or lunch from school, is near and dear to my heart. My family has certainly been in positions where we needed that type of assistance, so I know there’s a need.” It’s the same authenticity that led the 30-year-old education attorney to become the youngest elected commissioner in Wake County history last November. “I ran for a purpose as opposed to a position. I’m very adamant about living a purpose-driven life.”

Join Jessica in stopping by the BJ’s at Brier Creek (8811 Brier Creek Pkwy.) for the annual BackPack Buddies and Mix 101.5 food drive. They need shelf stable items such as canned soups, fruits, vegetables, and meats. Learn more about the Inter-Faith Food Shuttle’s hunger relief program at