A man-about-town shares his favorite musical moments in this photo series.
Writing and photography by Gus SamarcoThis past weekend, we celebrated 20 years of King’s with three nights of music, featuring reprisals of some of my favorite acts from The Great Cover Up, my favorite musical act in Raleigh—typically a once-a-year festival, it features some of our best local musicians playing hits from the big hitters.
Writing and photography by Gus SamarcoThis past weekend, we celebrated 20 years of King’s with three nights of music, featuring reprisals of some of my favorite acts from The Great Cover Up, my favorite musical act in Raleigh—typically a once-a-year festival, it features some of our best local musicians playing hits from the big hitters.
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Here’s the complete list of acts:
Night 1:
Eddie Money
Amy Winehouse
The Replacements
Alanis Morrisette
& Green Day
Night 2:
Judas Priest
The Strokes
John Denver
The Buzzcocks
Stone Temple Pilots
Soundgarden / A Temple of the Dog
Night 3:
Carly Simon
Tom Petty
Elton John
The Pretenders
Thin Lizzy
Guns n Roses
Gus Samarco is a video engineer by day, photographer by night. Find more of his work on www.samarcophoto.com.