Maggie Kane, founder of A Place at the Table, is still feeding others—and her own needs, as well.
We caught up with Maggie Kane (she’s a busy woman—we were so grateful to catch her!) to ask how she is keeping herself energized so she can keep doing the good work she does so well at A Place at the Table, Raleigh’s own pay-what-you-can restaurant that serves all members of our community regardless of their means.
Her game plan? A little hustle and flow.
What am I doing every day?
Serving dignified, delicious food at A Place at the Table curbside! I am here daily air hugging people through cars or 6 feet apart and serving over 250 meals a day to people who can’t afford it!
P.S. that also means I am consuming all the coffee cake, clubs, & coffee possible!
What am I cooking?
I’m not! I am supporting all the awesome restaurants in this community, like so•ca, kō än, Cantina 18, & Weaver Street!
What am I binge-watching?
Younger. Anyone else? My roommate (Emily Sexton, owner of Flourish Market) and I are obsessed and watch it every night.
What am I doing when I am not binge-watching, eating or working?
YOBA online yoga videos, podcasting Trevor Noah, and getting stair workouts at A Place at the Table (when we are closed).