In honor of St. Patrick’s Day, we challenged the folks at the Redbud Writing group to write poems in limerick style. Here’s what they shared.
by Redbud Writing Group | illustrations by Jillian Ohl

How It Started
Here’s a tale of the founding of Raleigh
Whose location was not quite a folly
Its congressman said, “We need beers by our bed!
Put us near Hunter’s Tavern, by golly!”
by Emily Cataneo
… How It’s Going
In Tar Heel lies a city of red brick
Oaks stand tall but the air is so, so thick
Come for high income brackets
Barbecue stains on suit jackets
Better buy in — beat the next real estate uptick!
by Diana Fenves
At Quail Ridge and at So&So
I find that I spend lots of dough
By hook and by crook
I buy lots of books
‘Til my heart and my mind are aglow!
by Arshia Simkin
Hey folks: Raleigh’s a great place to learn,
With lots of degrees you can earn.
St. Aug, Peace, or Shaw U,
State, Tech, Meredith too.
There’s a college around every turn.
by George Jack
You’ll never run out of fine folks
When you live in the city of oaks
Tasty food is our thing
“Y’all means all!” we do sing
All in such humid heat that we’re pre-soaked!
by Isabel Walsh
The Redbud Writing Group is a Raleigh-based organization that runs classes in creative writing, memoir, and more. Feeling inspired? Send in your own limericks to to or tag us on Instagram and we may just share it!