Search Results for: addie ladner

At the Source: Summer at the NC State Farmers Market

It happens every year: In May, I start daydreaming about dinners al fresco centered around the summer’s bounty, but here it is almost September and I haven’t even made half of them!

T-Shirt 2.0

NC State student Emily Neville started Reborn Clothing to transform old t-shirts into useful new items.

Code the Dream

Local adults and students share a desire to learn the language of computers in hopes for a career or life change.

Caroline Boykin

Artist Caroline Boykin is inspired by natural beauty, centered and rooted in Southern hospitality and strong, Southern women.

Made4Me Furniture

Local nonprofit builds adaptive furniture by Addie Ladner Packing boxes, spaceships for kids, winter storage—it’s hard to conjure up more uses for cardboard than this. For Megan Vasko and her son Darius, three, who has autism, a certain chair made…

Carolina Shuckers

by Addie Ladner photographs by Bert VanderVeen “It’s like a cooking show in here,” says sculptor and blacksmith Mike Waller. He’s meticulously inserting and removing a small slab of carbon steel in and out of a 2,200-degree forge in his…

Afield: Prairie Ridge Ecostation

A day at Prairie Ridge Ecostation by Addie Ladner Finally, we’re out of the house. I’ve packed up my 3-year-old-daughter for a day out – outside and out of our routine. Our destination is Prairie Ridge Ecostation. The Ecostation opens…


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About WALTER Magazine

WALTER the magazine was named after Sir Walter Raleigh the man, the intriguing individual that our the City of Oaks claims as its namesake. Sir Walter Raleigh was, among other things, a writer, poet and explorer—and we channel those qualities in…
