Tag: garden tips

January Garden Tips: Winter Color

Take advantage of warmer days to plant bulbs and note what’s in bloom during this otherwise cold, dark season.

December Garden Tips: Go Wild

During this festive month, gather winter vegetation for your holiday spreads, let your plants grow and transplant woody shrubs and trees.

Take Stock: November Garden Tips

This month, enjoy the emergence of autumn tones, prune shrubs and start a second round of cold-weather greens.

August Garden Tips: An In-Between Month

During this transition time, start seeds for the fall, asses vessels and process all your harvest so you can enjoy it beyond summer.

July Garden Tips: Beat the Heat

This month, take a pause from yard work as you reassess your grass cutting practices and enjoy the wildlife summer flowers attract.

June Garden Tips: Welcoming Summer

Kick off the warm season on a strong note with a good watering schedule and regularly picking your fresh flowers and herbs.

Raleigh Garden Tips: What to do in August

Take it easy in summer’s hottest month — use your freezer to preserve tomatoes and plant a few things the get you through the rest of the season.
