Tag: nature

Where to Hike Near Raleigh

In honor of The Year of the Trail, use this as a guide when selecting a new trail to explore this year in Raleigh and beyond.

It’s Only Natural: Courtship in the Wild

How a few frisky mammals, insects and amphibians in North Carolina attract one another — and the surprising activities that happen next.

The Incomplete Gardener

Just like the plants in his garden, this writer finds we’re always learning and growing, dreaming and scheming.

Love in the Rain: A Salamander Congress

On damp nights in the winter in North Carolina, a mating ritual surfaces where thousands of salamanders gather to lay eggs.

The Chosen One

Columnist Jim Dodson on spotting a red-tailed sentinel , his a faithful, four-legged soulmate and the concept of spirit animals

The Feel of Fall

A visual celebration of the beauty of autumn leaves in and around Raleigh.
