The 2019 Series of Fortunate Events is a series of four events presented by Arts Access NC highlighting the diversity and creativity that exists within the disabilities community. Members of the community gathered at AIA NC on April 27 and the Cary Theater April 28 for an evening of celebration.
photography by Alan Christianson; Kaitlin Funkhouser
Betsy Ludwig
Patrick Williams, Sarah Guidi
Penny Arrowood, Danielle Shuirman, Megan Bostic
Stan Petelinz, Michelle Davis Petelinz
Robert Parrish, Ronnie Marshall
Chuck Galle, Martha Keravuori
Scott Secor, Laurie Secor
Currinda Smith, John Russ
Diane Makgill, Deb Hillman, Eleanor Jones, Jeff Rezeli, Debra Rezeli
Members of Triangle Special Taiko Japanese Drumming Group
Eric Woodall
Eddie Cisneros, Noah Davis
Doug Kapp
ShaLeigh Comerford, Janie Desmond
Lilian Willis, Davian Thompson