The Whirl: A Very Catsby 50th

On July 27, Catherine Nguyen and Jeremy Parish hosted the 1920s-themed “A Very Catsby 50th” at Heights House Hotel. The event celebrated WALTER photographer Nguyen’s 50th birthday with signature cocktails, a seated dinner and dessert with a great group of friends and family in attendance. Because Nguyen specializes in photographing interiors, the evening gathered a who’s-who of the Raleigh interior design world, with many clients-turned-friends as guests.
photos by: Sonya Yruel Photography

Catherine Nguyen, Jeremy Parish
Emily Brinckerhoff, Paul Nguyen, Maria Dang, Catherine Nguyen,
Ryan Honda, Jonathan Nguyen, Andrew Brinckerhoff

Barnett Adler
Lauren Burns, Catherine Nguyen
Gretchen Coley, Ha Nguyen, Caroline Coley
Laura Koshel, Rafael de Jesus
Julia Reinert, Catherine Nguyen, Laura Wall 

This article originally appeared in the September 2024 issue of WALTER magazine.