Category: Arts & Culture

Spotlight: Shaw at 150

by Jessie Ammons Eight months after the end of the Civil War in 1865, former Union soldier Henry Martin Tupper used his army earnings to found Shaw University, the first university for freedmen in the South. A century and a…

Spotlight: The original renaissance man

by Mimi Montgomery Not many of us ponder things such as the movement of water, the surface of the moon, or why the sky is blue. Then again, none of us are Leonardo da Vinci. Get a glimpse into the…

Spotlight: Share the pie

by Jessie Ammons photograph by Nick Pironio Outsource your Thanksgiving pie-making to some of Raleigh’s best bakers and chefs, and do some good at the same time with Alliance Medical Ministry and StepUp Ministry’s Share the Pie fundraiser. This clever…

Spotlight: Beyond myth

Jason Craighead has long had a leading role in the Raleigh art scene as an an artist, as a member of the City of Raleigh Arts Commission, as a collaborative studio founder, and as a former gallerist. Now his reputation…

The Usual: The Awesomettes

“The twirling is not important. What’s important are our cute costumes. It’s about the camaraderie, the sisterhood.” –Karen “Awecelot” Still, “awe”ficcer of majorette group The Awesomettes by Jessie Ammons photograph by Travis Long Every Wednesday, laughter fills the back den…

Making a list, checking it twice

by CC Parker illustrations by Emily Brooks Last fall, my husband and I decided it was time for our children to see Theatre In The Park’s A Christmas Carol. A friend suggested seeing a matinee at the Durham Performing Arts…

This Modern Home in Cameron Village is a Blank Canvas for Art

by Liza Roberts | photography by Catherine Nguyen When Frank Thompson bought two wide lots in Cameron Village in 1997, he knew what he wanted to build: A contemporary home with room for entertaining and art, and windows tall and wide enough…

Jeanne Jolly: Study in contrasts

by Tracy Davis photographs by Scott Sharpe Jeanne Jolly is a jack of all trades, and also a study in contrasts. A classically trained vocalist, Jolly’s new record, A Place to Run, takes her deep into country music territory. And while the…

Meredith Kittrell: Building a better world

by Todd Cohen photographs by Jillian Clark Raleigh artist Meredith Kittrell likes to roll up her sleeves, create something new, and make a difference. So in 2002, when she learned about the annual Holiday Home Tour of Habitat for Humanity…

Coming home

by Hampton Williams Hofer Barely eighteen and way over-packed, I left Raleigh in late August of 2005, bound for Charlottesville. I knew exactly four people in the state of Virginia, which is the way it should be. According to the…

Thanksgiving still life

Contrary to popular lore, turkey was not the hallmark of the harvest meal shared by the Pilgrims and Wampanoag at Plymouth Colony in 1621. Rather, wildfowl, deer, eel, and shellfish were the likely proteins. Native crops including pumpkins, turnips, garlic,…

Raleigh Boychoir

by Elizabeth Lincicome On a rainy Saturday morning in October, more than 30 boys have gathered to rehearse choral music in an unassuming brick house off of Ridge Road. Today they sing The First Noel, which they will perform at…

My father’s world

by Tracie Fellers Raleigh was my father’s hometown and his territory. And though I’m rarely there these days, it beckons me with memories and markers of his life’s journey. On Fayetteville Street downtown, there’s the law practice that still includes…
