Category: Noted

Simple Life: Summer Twilight

Jim Dodson reflects on a South Carolina childhood spent in twilight — the brief, magical time between day and night.

Romantic Fever by Lee Smith

In this new story by the best selling North Carolina author, a young woman finds the joy — and danger — in connecting with the opposite sex.

Kephart by Ron Rash

The final days of a preservation pioneer are brought to life In this new story from the best selling North Carolina author.

The First Funeral by Clyde Edgerton

In this new story from the best selling North Carolina author, a young boy recounts a somber ceremony gone awry.

Simple Life: The Cocktail Cat

Every night around happy hour, Jim Dodson’s cat makes an appearance, offering a chance for armchair philosophizing.


In this essay by Emily Gajda, she finds that when life gets you down, sometimes the only thing you can do is take a plunge.

Crossword: Raleigh Riddles

Do you know the Triangle down to the letter? Try your hand at a printable crossword puzzle with local clues. by Rachel Simon __ SPOILER ALERT! Answers below: __ This puzzle originally appeared in the June 2022 issue of WALTER…

June Poem: Diving for Anchor

A young boy is awed by his father’s bravery — and words of wisdom — when disaster strikes on a fishing trip.
