Author Archives: Editorial Intern

The Triangle Golf Bloom

A look at the history of Raleigh’s varied golf courses, which are thriving despite the pandemic

April Plant Sales to Revamp Your Garden

Hello April! Who doesn’t love a good plant sale? Here are several in and around Raleigh selling varietals from azaleas to exotics to attend this month.

Talent, Taste & Joy

A television fixture for decades, Paul Montgomery, known as “Uncle Paul,” was more than a children’s David Menconi Generations of kids growing up in Raleigh between the early 1960s and early 1980s knew the late Paul Montgomery as Uncle…

WINi 2021

On Feburary 24, WALTER held its fourth annual WINi. A sister event to our WINnovation summit, which celebrates local women in innovation, this virtual event gathered female leaders for an afternoon of introspection and inspiration. To kick off the event,…

The Whirl: Stars of the Industry Awards

photographs by Eamon Queeney On February 17, the North Carolina Restaurant and Lodging Association hosted its Stars of the Industry awards ceremony at The Pavilion at the Angus Barn. Max Trujillo and Matt Weiss of the NC Food & Beverage…
